Christmas is a beautiful time to celebrate! |
No, I did not forget to write. Work obligations, a "busy season" and maybe a tad bit of malaise is at fault for that. I just never got to it.
And, as I walk into the dark side of a middle-aged life, forgetting can be a bit worrisome and perhaps, a reflection of a mind already too full to add more tidbits without causing a slight spill of other such thoughts.
You see, it came to a head, shortly after getting the proverbial "green light" to canter and progressively return to full work, that I have forgotten how to ride my lil' pinto pony. 12+ weeks of traipsing around the indoor with nary a move off the outside tract, I have become the epitome of a beginner rider.
Loving the canter! |
Dear god, have I no skill left?

Wait... who's blog is this? I believe what I was recalling as a memory is, in fact, a fantasy... I forgot... Sugar and I rock the warm up as we practice our Beginner Novice/Novice/First Level Test while demonstrating grand prix (lower case intended) airs-above-the-ground.
Oh well, 2015 is a new year and who knows?
Psssst, I also forgot how much I love to write! Let's git 'er done!