You see, I've been posting again... and, I don't mean the type of posting that is rhythmically timed to a horse's trot. In the spirit of confessions, I must say that I've been commenting on internet horse boards...
I wish I could tell you that I was congratulating someone on their most recent win, or helping them choose a name for their new horse and I would even be ok if I answered a question on whether or not the Black County saddle fits a narrow, high withered thoroughbred.
Nope! I was not doing that...
I guess I could redeem myself and say that it wasn't about politics, religion or sex (because those wouldn't be polite). Then again, maybe in the horse world it was the equivalent of talking about religion? We horse folks feel pretty passionate about our beliefs, our treatments, our feeding regiment and well, all thing horsey!

- Who is monitoring contraindications for all the supplements we use? I, for one, love good marketing... heck, I bought compression shorts in my basketball playing days because I was told (and convinced) that I would jump higher and run faster wearing them. But, compression shorts under basketball shorts might have looked cool, they did no harm to my body when combing the two.
- Are we giving our horses way too much of a good thing? I've seen some of your Smartpaks and I wonder, why all that?
- And are injectable joint meds causing some of these sudden deaths? One vet told me that during the season, I could give Sugar weekly injections of Adequan. I wondered, where are the studies looking at long term usage of these drugs.
- Don't get me started on the diagnosis and treatment of lyme without validating test results.
- And, treatment with Doxy only works once. If the horse still has Lyme or "gets it again", Doxy does not work. The organism developed an immunity to Doxy when you treated it the first time. Any positive results are due to the anti-inflammatory affects which are a Doxy bonus.
- Treating with antibiotics should be carefully and completely done.
- There is no Lyme vaccine approved for horses at this time. Cornell is working on one but it is not available. Canine vaccine is not approved for horses and isn't 100% effective in dogs.
Should let sleeping dogs lie... |
- If you're going to post stuff on the internet as law. You know, this is true and I know it to be true. Dear god, check your sources. Be sure that the data you're using isn't 15 years old and is statistically invalid.
- Post them if you can... (I can for the above and when I have a moment, will.)
Note to self... just stop! No one wants to hear your ramblings... And, if you even read this... will you still "love" me? ;)