Friday, July 18, 2014


It's late on a Friday night... well, late if you're still at work.  A client, in my last call of the day, asked me what I'm doing this weekend.  After a huge sigh I said, "Nothing!  Absolutely and totally nothing!"
used with permission

"What?  Nothing?  No riding, no horse time?"  was her reply.

"Oh... um... yeah, I'll ride Saturday and have a jumping lesson Sunday afternoon.  And, of course, I'll be out and about with Da Boys.  Ohhhh, I consider both of those things just a part of living and the doing nothing part is just a nice bonus."

I am not alone.  Horses are just a part of life... 

And when my lil' pinto pony does something in turn out that requires a vet exam,  that part of life feels threatened.  When I react to that threat, I hear the parent I might have been:
  • Do you know that we're entered at Millbrook in two weeks and the closing date was Tuesday?  Why are you ruining my plans?
  • It's your own fault that you're hurt...  If you wouldn't have Mariah Carey like fits in turnout, you'd be fine!
  • That vet visit is going to cost me big bucks all because you can't handle it when your neighbor has to leave.
  • Why do you do this to me?  We were going to go xc schooling this weekend.
Da Boys
And after the worry and fret is relieved by the lameness exam whereby the vet declares her healing and sound to continue as planned, I breathe a sigh of relief...  All is normal in our world.

It was never about Millbrook, the money or my plans...  It was keeping the happy, healthy and energizing part of my life whole.  All is normal in our world...  So, I will proceed with doing "nothing" this weekend and wish you all well doing the same or not!

Shhhh, I am a very good Aunt, just sayin!


Austen said...

I think I finally have all of my friends trained to the fact that riding always happens, it's just a fact of the day. Life is smoother once they get that. :)

So glad "Mariah" is sound and ready for business!

Unknown said...

I feel the very same way!