I had corn for dinner tonight. Deliciously sweet and seasoned with butter, salt and fresh ground pepper... It was the first ear of corn and most likely the last. The season for sweet, farm fresh corn is over and, I was late in tasting that delectable deliciousness... "'Til next year, 'til next year", I say, "'til next year!"
Yesterday was the very last recognized Horse Trial here in Area 1 and there is some sadness in saying good bye! Some folks will travel south and catch a few in Area 2 and others will be cleaning and putting away vests, studs (or if you're me, you throw them in your tack box and act surprised when they have mud on them and are a bit rusty.) "'Til next year, 'til next year", I say, "'til next year!"
Maisy was lucky to finish her second Horse Trial ever with the Happy Young Professional (HYP)! Have I mentioned that she's Irish (IDSH)? And, if you know anything about the Irish, they are a bit bold, maybe a tiny bit stubborn, love to socialize and are a bit too smart (OK, I'm of Irish descent and I can name a few other interesting stereotypes.) Ms Maisy is very true to her heritage (although she is half German, hmmmm).
At the barn, she's shaking like a leaf perhaps anticipating a wild day of hunting, or a long separation from her beloved gelding friends? At the show, she boldly moved off with nary a hesitation (let me show you a few things HYP). She floated around the crowded warm up as if she was alone in a valley of thick sweet clover - light on the ground, soft in her body and floppy ears.
This show she knew her job and wanted to help the HYP do the dressage test... well the one that she KNEW and not necessarily the one required by the organizing committee. The HYP was discreet in reminding her that this was just her second go and that maybe the HYP knew more than she did. It was a lovely test -
30.8 for first place.
Her jumping was big, bold and brassy. Did we not know that she did this three weeks ago and knows exactly what she should be doing? If you
watch the video, you can see a moment's hesitation... My Lil' Country Bumpkin might know what she's doing but she still doesn't understand what all the activity is outside of the arena and sometime gets distracted (SQUIRREL). Clean and still in 1st place.

Her cross country was fast and her jumping careful. There was never a hesitation in her jumping but there was a big galloping stride that added 2.8 speed faults finishing in 4th place. And, Ms Maisy was quite pleased with herself... And, I'm sure would've enjoyed a beer!
Today, she and her BFF went on a Hunter Pace. Despite a few moments of hysteria when her lover left her or new horses joined us at the check, she was a very lovely ride. And, I jumped jumps (not all of them) and she was quite the lady! I love this horse! I really do!
Our debut will be at a schooling show on Halloween. My only goal is to get the first done so I too can be a bold, smart, know-it-all! Then, cheers to winter wanderings and some butt kicking jumping lessons...
Next year it would be great to start the season early... hmmmm, maybe I'll have sweet corn in June next year too!