Foxhunting* immediately wowed me. At my first hunt, the Fieldmaster gave me (this former weenie adult rider) the best advice ever. She said that riding in the field was about trust - trusting that my horse knew where her feet were, trusting that she would take care of both of us... And, if I had that trust, we would have the ride of a lifetime.
My first thought was, "uh, no way... I have to watch everything and keep her safe from holes, roots, scattered debris, everything." My second was, "What was I thinking?!"
This first hunt was profound... by letting go, we became a team and it was amazing. And each hunt after that I wanted more... more jumps and more speed...
That is until I got it... November 13, 2010. I celebrated my 50th birthday at the All New England Joint Hunt at Myopia Hunt Club. Me and 150 of my "closest" hunting friends and their horses for an all out running and jumping fest.
Sugar had fire in her belly and a poor bit choice in her mouth. My girl had wings and an attitude that screamed "I'VE GOT IT!" Letting go took on a whole new meaning.... that is until we were flat out galloping down hill with me pulling so hard to slow her down that I forgot to look up. And when I did, we were locked on two big huge round bales directly in her path. OMG! I safely and kindly pulled her off... And, after 2 hours riding first flight AND having the gallop of a lifetime, I retired to the Hilltoppers... Sugar felt grateful.
So, the Thanksgiving Hunt was our last heehaw... now I watch that snow base and I dream... Let me run free....
1 comment:
It is so true what the Fieldmaster said...I will remember that. Trust my little Chester. See you in the first 'heehaw' and plenty of them in 2011
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