Stall cleaning is an art for me. I meticulously remove manure and trampled hay... carefully, to minimize waste. There is a fine mix of sawdust and shavings... just so... keeping the manure from clinging to her blankets or staining her neck. I like a cleanly swept edge. Perfect... and that feels good to me.
"Practice Doesn't Make Perfect, Perfect Practice Makes Perfect" often quoted by Jimmy Wofford, George Morris and I'm sure more than a few of the great athletes or artists.
I love to watch professionals ride my horse... they make Sugar perfect - light, beautiful and free. Maybe, just maybe, I have accepted mediocrity in my dressage. And, that is where I was "way back when..."
"Dare to make mistakes" is another great quote. The changes I need to make in my riding are subtle (well, except for my canter transitions)... I must dare to be perfect by making mistakes and doing it again... until the transition upward is a clear distinct move from behind and with give in her poll and a release in her back.
Stephie Baer riding Fame and Frolic |
And, I must dare to be uncomfortable while accepting that being perfect is not the same as being a perfectionist. If it doesn't feel good try again. Keep trying...
And, in the end, gallop and laugh...
And, in the end, gallop and laugh...
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