Thursday, July 11, 2013


It's all First World Problems...  Everytime I feel like beating my chest and screaming...  "Oh, woe is me!", I remember...  these are luxury problems.   That's all!  Rich girl issues...

I just wish they could talk.  Wouldn't that be awesome if our horses could just tell us what is going on and then, make some intelligent decisions based on how they feel?  Wouldn't that just be fabulous?  It is the uncertainty that makes me whine and sigh...

Sugar is NQR... NOT QUITE RIGHT...  She feels like two separate horses...  the one in front - normal but, the one behind...  awful.  I wanted to say that she won't move laterally, but that isn't quite it.  She can't move laterally.  Yesterday she felt like she would fall over and today, she tried and hopped.  She tried... 

So, we scratched UNH Summer Horse Trials.   I was ready but Sugar was unable...

My Dressage Trainer said something that broke my heart...  just a little.  "Sugar is so stoic that, I think she probably functions more often than not in some level of pain and when she presents like this, it is her only way of saying...  STOP!  It really hurts!"

Then she added, "Maybe, one of the reasons she spooks is because she hurts."

She paused.  I looked at her and then we both said, "Nah!"

Taking a few moments to ponder everything - the vet exam on Monday, the cost, the money to treat all sorts of catastropic problems, the end of our career together, the poor house...  I thought back to what I learned from my Stressless Riding Intensive:
  • These thoughts are just stories... what is real is that Sugar is NQR and I scratched UNH.  That's it...  nothing more, nothing less...
But I can still SIGH... can't I?  {{{{SIGH}}}}


Sara Michas said...

I feel your pain and fustration Suzanne...was just telling my equine insurance agent that I wish Carmen could talk so I could have some information to make decisions with...sometimes I feel like I am Dr. House just treating willy-nilly to somehow fix some "unknown" I know why House was addicted to pain killers. Go with the flow Suzanne...take each day one at a time, don't conjure up the worst-case scenario, and try to make decisions with the most knowledge you can gather...and when it comes to horses everyone seems to have a different opinion; remember to go with what feels right to YOU.

Amanda said...

Oh I hope she is okay! Not knowing what is going on is often times the worst. I hope it turns out to be something easy to fix! Fingers crossed.

Melissa-ParadigmFarms said...

When it comes to horses it is so hard to NOT create stories!! Sending good thoughts your way for an easy diagnosis and treatment.

Karley said...

I wish they could talk too!!! Hoping she's ok and the vet appointment goes well!

Suzanne said...

Writing this blog just confirms that you are never alone in this world... thanks!

Melissa - I think she knows that her full retirement could be with you... ;)

Tracy said...

Sorry to hear that Sug isn't feeling well. Sending good vibes your way!

Kat said...

You can definitely sigh. That NQR lameness is the most frustrating type. Hope the appt with the vet gives you some answers!

Lauren @ She Moved To Texas said...

I feel the same way every time Simon is a little bit lame. Don't believe the stories! It'll be okay.

Boss Mare Eventing said...

Lets hope its nothing serious. Sorry you are missing UNH