Observing the farm happenings in
solitary confinement! |
This one is for you! That's right, this post is for all you working mothers, single parents of both sexes and families with two working partners.... this one is all yours!
You see, I am one of those single-never-been-married-with-no-children kind of person. If you asked the teenage me, I would have told you I was going to be a veterinarian with four kids and a husband living on a beautiful farm filled with horses. Yup, that was my teenage self. {{{Hmmm... note the order... hmmm).
Life rolls out on a winding path and I end up being a really fantastic aunt (my blog, I write what I want to) and that suits me just fine.{{{My mom is shaking her head somewhere muttering, 'those horses and those dogs" and "spinster" She's not an animal person and had a husband and 8 kids.}}}
"Run away! Run away!" |
Working mothers, single parents and working parents, I salute you! And, if you also are a rider/competitor, I bow in your honor! I do not know how you do it!
Sugar is NQR. She came up, well not really lame but, scary unsteady on her feet and wobbly walking. Her step was that of a big time model walking down a Paris runway... her front legs carefully and slowly crossing over each other... very strange... Her hind end was not "right" either and once when turned too tightly she almost fell over.
"Neurological' stated the vet after her examination. X-rays of her neck show "something" on the C6 vertebrae which could be arthritis or something more. The nerve could be pinching... All of the vagaries are due to the difficulty of getting a GREAT x-ray on a very muscled horse. She is being treated as if she had slip and fall in turnout which injured the neck causing the symptoms and possibly splayed her legs which may have caused a muscle strain or pull in her hind end.
Da Boys looking for love
in all the wrong places! |
I'm running back and forth from vet to work and Da Boys are being short changed for attention. When I come home, I want to crash but they want me to play... "leave me alone"!
And the DMSO bolus Sug rec'd as part of her treatment leaves me nauseous. Every time she breathes in my direction, I can not help but to turn away and tell her that she stinks. I abandoned my lil girl to the Barn Manager because I could not deal with the smell. Really, what mother does that to an ailing child?
Not a worry, it's all being taken
care of... |
How do you do it? I'm asking all of you working mothers/single parents? How do you take care of your kids, get them to the doctors, manage their care and still take care of those kids still left at home? Oh, and while doing all of that, how do you manage your career? Are there any tips or tricks you can share?
And, if these were my kids and not just my animals, would I need to prepay their therapy sessions to help them deal with the neglect? {{{And what is with the word my - my kids, my animals...'sup wit dat?}}}
Note - Sugar is showing improvement after the first treatment of DMSO and Dexamethasone... Vet feels it really is an acute injury possibly a slip and fall in turnout injuring her neck and possibly splaying her front and/or hind legs in the slip. If the tests for an organic cause come back negative and she continues to show improvement, then she may be back in work in a week. (Didn't want to leave you hanging.)