A fellow eventer/blogger/horse girl died this week. She was 52 doing one of the sports that kept her fit and happy. We "knew" each other through our blogs and met, face to face, just once at the USEA Annual Meeting.
I always knew, from her blog, facebook and COTH posts that she was one of the good ones. She volunteered at events, supported up and coming riders, sponsored our top athletes, competed herself, worked full time and kept herself in tip top shape.
What I did not know was how much she did and how much she gave of herself or for that matter, who she really was... What I do know was that she was a grateful woman, of a generous nature who did not fear giving her time and self to do good for others.
When Sugar died, she reached out to me and asked me to continue blogging and told me how much she enjoyed the journey. And then, connected me with people and horses to help speed the search to heal my hurting heart.
Her death touched me in a way that I've struggled to figure out... So young.. But, it wasn't the closeness in our ages but the true feeling of loss. You see, you may not know her, but she was one of the good ones. Her acts of kindness and generosity beget more acts of kindness and generosity from those of us recipients and the recipients of those that knew her...

USEA - http://useventing.com/news/memoriam-seema-sonnad
Eventing Nation - http://eventingnation.com/home/eventing-community-mourns-the-loss-of-seema-sonnad/
University of PA - http://www.ajmc.com/newsroom/In-Memoriam-Seema-S-Sonnad-PhD--Colleague-Mentor-Friend
Her Friend's Blog - http://bluehillfarm.blogspot.com/2015/05/because-of-seema.html
A fellow blogger's blog who's story touched my heart again - http://www.teamflyingsolo.com/2015/05/its-not-about-eventing-its-about-living.html
Ah, I knew I shouldn't have gone & read it late at night, you always speak my language so directly, I knew it would make me cry.
But it's not about me. I speak to the stars often, there are several very special beacons who watch & listen...
In my mad daily scramble to survive lately, I've missed a lot, I did not know Seema sent you prospects, but at the same time, I have to laugh lovingly, because of course she did! I swear, whatever Wonder Woman's version of the BatPhone is, she had one. Watching her in action might as well have been magic to my stumbling rabid hamster of a brain!
Yet another example of how simple giving can be. It's not about money, it's not about recognition; altruism is just that quiet hug of compassion, that help with a heavy load. It's just showing up or sometimes it's even that bunny with a pancake on his head when your world's gone off it's axis.
Thank you for adding this lovely piece to the overwhelming collection witnessing a woman who truly "sucked the marrow out of life," as it should be.
:( So sorry for your and the community's loss
this is a lovely tribute for a very special woman.
<3. I knew Seema personally, in real life, but I also read her blog regularly and kept in touch with her on social media. It honestly still does not feel real. Every time I read another blog post, or go on COTH and see that post, it confuses me just a little bit more.
I'm glad you continued posting as well! Seema was truly one of the kindest people I've ever had the privilege of meeting.
I would like to have more information about booking venues Los Angeles for my next event, I think one of the great parts of booking this will be the opportunity to have live performance at the event.
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