The affect of that longing and that "holding off on living", is an increasing feeling of grumpiness, a slight intolerance when "things don't go my way" and a distinct lack of patience with anyone not working as hard as I. I struggle with keeping an upbeat positive demeanor and when I fail, I isolate because I do not want my "failings' to be recorded by others.
So, in my second business trip of the week, I entered the plane noticing the crying baby, the little boy running up and down the aisle, the person with three bags (rather than the two allowed), groaned at the woman who could not lift her own overstuffed bag into the bins above. I kept catching my anger and impatience and took steps to change my attitude but it was weak and relatively unsuccessful. You see, I was grumpy pants and maybe, god forbid... pouty.
We landed in Detroit late. It was snowing and 15F degrees. I waited in the cold for 20 minutes before the hotel shuttle arrived. I was starving and in no mood for niceties so I sat in the front seat and said nothing after thanking the driver for taking my bag. The other passenger, a businessman, remained silent.
Our driver smiled at us, turned the radio up slightly and off we went in the dark, snowy night. The van was silent, except for the radio tunes. I watched the industrial complexes as we passed by and then, found myself singing (silently) Jingle Bell Rock and I smiled. I wasn't on a sleigh and she wasn't Santa but the beautiful lights of the chemical plants, the snow falling and the Christmas carols felt so homey and warm.
I broke the silence. "Do you like Christmas carols or do you have to listen to them?"
"Oh are they bothering you! I'll turn them off! I am so sorry!"

Car Caroling is something close to my heart. My mom and I love to sing along as we drive around South Jersey searching for Christmas. And, I could feel my dad in that van as I remembered our Christmas car drives visiting my brothers and sisters way back when. We shared stories and laughed.
Then, this voice from behind me, asks to be heard. We had forgotten the tall businessman in the back seat. He said to us both, "Can I tell you a secret?" {OF COURSE!} "I love Car Caroling and on the day after Thanksgiving, I'm listening to them and singing "loud and clear for all to hear!"
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When you think your actions or words have no meaning or that your energy has no affect on others... think about the beautiful souls who have touched your life and look for them. Angels are everywhere in all forms.
I believe I hear a bell ringing... one is getting their wings right now!