Tuesday, January 1, 2013


So I'm a big believer in destiny!  I'm not talking about the kind of destiny that happens to you but the kind of destiny that you make happen for yourself.  You know...  not being the kind of person that is a victim of circumstances but that person who has a goal and then, makes it happen.
Two happy mares

Ok, here's another little confession for you...  I am a Facebook junkie!  {{{Right now, somewhere a friend - the real kind or a family member are collectively and loudly saying DUHHHHH!}}}  I like to post, I read your posts and I even look at pictures.  "Why bring this up now Suzanne?  Who really cares about your little Facebook obsession."

When I wish you a Happy Birthday, I most likely add a comment or a wish to the greeting.  "Happy Birthday... make it a great start to your new year!"  You see, I believe you are the master of your destiny...  Things don't happen to you...  you make it happen.

And today is our start to the New Year...  the collective New Year!  How are we going to "make it great!"?  I do not believe in resolutions for they are meant to be broken.  Goals are set to guide us to our dreams come true.  I choose to have goals instead!

One snuggly hound
2012 was a year of negativity, anger and even hate...  the level of animosity that grew out of this year's election was unprecedented.  A happy medium did not exist on the national stage.  Towards the end of the cycle, I could see how this energy affected me and how and when I acted on it.  It does not serve me well, at all!  So...

Today, this first day of 2013, I will embrace love and tolerance and work hard at eliminating negativity, fear and distrust.  Be it at the barn, in the office or even a cranky barista who thinks my order is a royal pain in the butt.  I will smile, say thank you and wish them well.

And the trusty lab...

Today I begin to treat Sugar like my long term partner in a healthy, happy relationship instead of the nagging, pissy fish wife I've become.  I honor her, not for her beauty (per my Bestest Eventing Buddy, that is the reason she is still alive), but for her work ethic, athleticism and her entertaining spooks that can clear the indoor in a hurry.

And most importantly, today I recognize all that I have is a gift to be cherished.   It is a life filled with good people, fun adventures and too many stories to tell.  The gift is in the joy, the love and the challenges to overcome.  I am, indeed, a very lucky girl!  For that I must be grateful...

And today, I'll wish you well in this, our collective New Year!  Make it happen!


Amanda said...

Well said! I hope you achieve your goals and have a fantastic New Year.

Boss Mare Eventing said...

A good way to live out the next year.

Happy new year!